
Star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod
Star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod

Even though you have a limited choice for each map, try to choose a team that has a better hero or villain. Also, some heroes are better than others. Instead of running around the map randomly trying to kill anyone you see, find a group of opponents, then activate lightsaber lock to block all their shots as you Force Run at them and then unleash a deadly combo while you are in their midst. Make sure to face your enemies as best as possible to block their fire, and use the crosshair that appears temporarily in this mode to better aim your ranged attacks (Force, lightsaber throw). You can use the "lightsaber lock" to block enemy fire coming directly at you. This is useful for killing Jet Troopers as a Jedi or taking a out lightly armored vehicles or any vehicle low on heath that is higher up. You can also do lightsaber combos while Force Jumping by pressing Attack in mid-air. This is useful when clearing hallways or passages. This releases a group of moves that are much deadlier against groups of opponents. You can do extremely deadly and long combinations of lightsaber strikes against enemies by Force Running/Sprinting into a group of them and pressing Attack while still sprinting. It may be very easy to kill people as a hero, but there are some special moves and techniques other than the standard saber combos.

star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod

When you begin the game you can pick between heroes and villains and fight as any of the "Hero" type character classes with no time limit. Select Instant Action mode, then choose Mos Eisley as your level and Assault as the game type. Also, if you get the points when you are playing as the hero or villain, when you die while playing as the hero or villain they still count as the points - you can pick to play as them immediately.

star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod

Your hero or villain can still die and the meter runs out, but you only need to kill four people for four points to unlock the hero or villain again. Change the options to the following: Best Player, 4 Points, and the time for the hero to become available to 4 seconds. Go to the options and choose the "Hero" selection.

star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod

Additionally, select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, but do not launch. You can start the game selecting the hero, and when you die you can pick them again immediately. Select "Hero", then change the options to Best Player, Time Limit 1 second, and the time for hero to become available to "Always".

star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod

Select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, then go to the options menu before you start. Note: This is the 2005 game by Pandemic Studios, not to be confused with the 2017 game Star Wars: Battlefront 2 by EA DICE.

Star wars battlefront 2 death troopers mod